500+ spectral bands at 100x more data
Sub-daily capture with 7-10x more daily monitoring capacity
Support to meet and exceed compliance
At Scale
Use cases for any industry or market
iPIPE is a consortium focused on advancing emerging technologies to prevent and detect petroleum pipeline leaks. In response to a government mandate, they needed to use new technology to eliminate oil and gas pipeline leaks. OSK provided satellite and aerial asset monitoring for the Bakken and Permian basins to help detect and prevent leaks along thousands of miles of pipeline. The project continues to drive improvements in community safety, environmental performance, and overall operating efficiency.
OSK supports mining projects end-to-end with industry-specific Spectral Intelligence™. From mapping mineralogical information to identifying unseen tailings storage facility risks, OSK hyperspectral technology supports rapid, global-scale mining and lithium exploration needed to activate the clean energy transition.
OSK uses a variety of hyperspectral and ML/AI enabled algorithms to provide insights into soil and vegetation health including early crop disease detection. Hyperspectral can detect disease before many other methods and allows growers to address the risks quickly.
Vegetative density and distribution affect firefuel and wildfire risk. OSK helps governments, forestry services, utilities and insurance companies understand, predict, and mitigate wildfire disaster with the persistent monitoring and frequent analysis of driving factors like vegetative health, weather, and topography.
Intrusion detection is essential for securing territory and defending assets. OSK combines target detection algorithms and indices to detect cases from intrusive vehicle activity to soil disruption at a given site. Detection insights are visually portrayed across image comparisons including True Color, Likelihood, Binary Image, and Fusion Binary Output.